Every day globally there is addition of new research and associated health products in the market. Scientific validation of the products and their clinical research outcome is always a challenge for the companies to make it better explicable for the consumers. Currently the consumers are entirely dependent upon the information they received from the companies with complexity of technical presentation and research data.
We developed first time a real time science review system, termed sciencetally that instantly review the research and analyse the science behind the product. Sciencetally is a technology based system for evaluating the Clinical Research Quality Index Analysis (CRQIA®) of a product. CRQIA® Index provides the detailed analysis of many different dimensions of quality of research sketching the conceptual, dogma and operational background.
CRQIA® Index is a comprehensive perception of 10 sets of multiple choice questions that incorporates a number of different dimensions, through a set of sub dimensions with an associated number of indicators for each step. Gauging quality of research for diverse health care products in an analogous manner is a complex task, and a scoreboard of gauges casing a number of pertinent magnitudes is compulsory for this purpose.